Lab Projects
Active Projects
- Australian and US Perspectives on an Intervention Integrating New HIV Insights with Stigma Reduction [Fulbright Future Scholarship/Fulbright US Scholar Program]
- One-year qualitative interview study with healthcare providers and sexual minority men with HIV that aims to advance understanding of providers' training needs related to U=U communication and HIV stigma
- Development of an HIV Status-Neutral Video Intervention to Reduce Stigma and Promote U=U and PrEP Among Sexual and Gender Minority DC Community Members [DC CFAR/P30-AI117970]
- One-year mixed methods project that aims to develop and evaluate a brief video intervention to reduce HIV stigma and support access to HIV biomedical prevention knowledge and resources among sexual and gender minority DC community members
- Exploring Patient and Provider Perspectives on New HIV Biomedical Prevention and Treatment Options to Support Equitable Access [GWU University Facilitating Fund]
- One-year qualitative study with healthcare providers and patients that aims to explore attitudes, experiences, and patient-provider communication related to new HIV biomedical prevention options
Completed Projects
- U=U & Stigma Project (How Messaging About the Latest HIV Breakthrough (U=U) Impacts HIV-Related Stigma [GWU CCAS Nick-of-Time Impact Microgrant])
- Two-year quantitative survey study that aimed to examine how messaging about “undetectable=untransmittable” (U=U, i.e., that sustained viral suppression inhibits the sexual transmission of HIV) affects HIV stigma
- PrEP'ing for Health Project (Intervention to Promote PrEP Awareness and Equitable Prescription Among Providers [K01-MH103080])
- Four-year mixed-methods project that aimed to (a) identify barriers and biases related to PrEP prescription among providers and (b) develop and evaluate a CME program integrating PrEP education with cultural competence training
- PrEP'ing DC Project (Optimizing PrEP Social Marketing to Black MSM in DC to Raise Awareness and Uptake [DC CFAR/P30-AI117970])
- Two-year mixed-methods pilot project that aimed to evaluate and improve PrEP social marketing materials to maximize their effectiveness in promoting PrEP uptake among Black MSM in DC while minimizing stigmatization of Black MSM sexuality
- PrEP'ing Planned Parenthood Project (Expanding Women’s Reproductive Health Options in Small Urban Areas: Development and Evaluation of a Clinical Implementation Program to Integrate HIV Biomedical Prevention into Reproductive Health Services [Yale University Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS/P30-MH062294])
- Two-year mixed-methods pilot project that aimed to develop and evaluate a program integrating biomedical HIV prevention into women’s reproductive healthcare, including a web-based video approach to introducing PrEP to clients
Student Projects
- An Exploration of Video Content and Presentation Style Preferences in Developing an HIV Educational Video for English- and Spanish-Speaking Sexual and Gender Minority Individuals in Washington, DC. (2nd-year project)
- Qualitative project that aims to explore language differences (i.e., English- vs. Spanish-speakers) in the video content and presentation style preferences for an HIV educational video for sexual and gender minority individuals.
- HIV Risk Messaging and Medical Mistrust in the Era of Undetectable=Untransmittable: Psychosocial and Behavioral Implications Among Black, Latino/a/e/x, and Multiracial Sexual and Gender Minorities (Dissertation)
- Primary aims include: (a) evaluate the effect of viewing a message that incorporates new insights on HIV transmission risk on U=U belief using a pre/post design, and to test the moderating role of medical mistrust; (b) assess the effects of medical mistrust on two sets of outcomes: perception of the message itself and anticipated impact of the message on psychosocial and behavioral outcomes; (c) qualitatively explore perceived benefits, concerns, and recommendations associated with integrating such messaging into current communication about HIV transmission risk.
- The Implications of PrEP Use, Condom Use, and Partner Viral Load Status on Openness to Serodifferent Partnering Among Sexual Minority Men (Master’s thesis/2nd-year project)
- Quantitative project that aimed to evaluate the association between PrEP status and openness to serodifferent partnering in various sexual partnering scenarios, which varied by condom use (with/without) and partner viral load status (detectable/undetectable).
- ‘There are People Like Me Who Will See That, and It Will Just Wash Over Them’: Black Sexual Minority Men’s Perspectives on Messaging in PrEP Visual Advertisements
- Qualitative project that explored perspectives regarding promotional messaging (textual elements) in PrEP visual advertisements among Black sexual minority men.